How do I book a space in the Library?

The Space Booking page allows VIU community members to book spaces in a self-serve manner. These spaces include Student Study Rooms, Audio/Video Editing Rooms, Media Workstations, and Accessibility Stations available on both Nanaimo and Cowichan campuses.


Study rooms are available for individual or group use. Most study rooms accommodate up to 6 people. Study rooms are bookable for up to 3 hours a day. They are limited to one booking per day. Study rooms are available for student use only.

  1. From the library home page, scroll down and click on the book a space link.
  2. Select the campus that you would like to book a study space in or scroll down to the room you would like to book.
  3. The availability grid will show which spaces are available at which times. If the time and space you’d like to book are available, click on the green square to select a start time.
  4. Your booking will appear below the grid. Double check the booking to make sure it is the right date/time. You can adjust the length of time you would like to book the room for. Select “Submit Times”.
  5. Read through the Terms & Conditions; select "Continue" if you agree.
  6. Fill in the form and select "Submit my Booking".
  7. Your booking has been submitted, and this page can be closed; if you would like to make another booking select “Make Another Booking”.
  8. You will receive an email asking to verify your booking within 15 minutes. Follow the link to confirm your booking. If you do not complete this step your room booking will be cancelled.
  9. Once you follow the link select “Verify Email” to confirm your booking.
  10. You will receive an email confirming that your room is booked. If you have to cancel your room booking, please use the link provided to cancel.

Below are a series of screenshots showing each of these steps. Use the arrows on the sides to navigate.


  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2022
  • Views 1120
  • Answered By Melisa Bergeron

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